Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Possible research topics & Academic Integrity (add a sentence)

3 Possible research topics:
1. Should violence and sex in the media/movies be restricted?
2. Should students be required to attend school past the age of 16?
3. Doctor-Assisted suicide. Legal? Unethical?


There are several causes for academic dishonesty including the students themselves, their upbringings, and policies on cheating, and it can be prevented as the policies become more strict and uniform among schools across America.

Topic Sentence 1:
Whether it be the pressure students are put under to succeed, or they just aren't prepared, students cheat for a variety of different reasons, whether they are willing to admit it or not.

Topic Sentence and transition 1:
While the line between collaboration and cheating can be fine, students ultimately are aware of their decision to cheat. The influences and upbringing of the students have much to do with their feelings on whether cheating is "morally correct" or not.

Topic Sentence and transition 2:
As apposed to the idea that responsibility lies within individuals, there are measures that can be and have been taken by colleges to minimize academic dishonesty. As advances are made in the policies at universities, cheating will become more and more difficult to get away with, which ultimately will scare students out of thinking cheating is worth a try.

Topic Sentence and transition 3:
In addition to clearly defined policies on cheating, colleges also have to have a uniform definition what cheating consists of, and an equally uniform way of the consequences for academic dishonesty.

While academic dishonesty will always exist, the efforts made by students, universities, and communities alike should not subside. Cheating should not be taken lightly by any means no matter how common it becomes among students. If the efforts are increased and modified as time goes on, the ability and desire of students to cheat will drastically decrease.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"Fake News"

My take on "Fake News"
The goal of “Fake news” is to take current events that are potentially of no interest to most student aged/adolescent people and sarcastically broadcast them. This is done through several different television shows, comics in newspapers, and in magazines. News-feeds such as “Perez” take current events and twist them in order to find or bring out humor in them. Television shows such as “Family Guy”, “MTV News”, and “The Daily Show” find the aspects that would most interest, or catch the attention of someone who would normally not care about that particular issue. Take September 11th, for example. During the aftershocks of 9/11, younger people, especially non-minorities, were having a difficult time understanding how and if the destruction of a couple New York buildings affected them. Several “fake news” sources created segments on airport security, and how lines would be horrendous due to the 9/11 attacks. Many people started to see how such a disaster could have an effect on their everyday lives, and therefore started paying more attention to news regarding the issue. While it seems wrong to make fun of certain serious issues that are going on, it sometimes is the only way to get the point across to some people. If “fake news” can serve its intended purpose, it’s worth hearing a few wise cracks from people like Joel McHale.

Thesis Statements:

1. Road rage is a major cause of automobile accidents on our highways because of the dangerous nature of everyday drivers.

2. While there is violence in Disney films, their intended purpose is to inspire the imaginations of people of all ages.

3. Although there are several known and unknown species of ants, there are three specific species that are found in the United States.

4. Animal foundations, along with families, have helped save many animals from wandering the streets and from abuse.

5. In recent decades, climate changes have been the cause of consistent drought seasons in several areas of the world.

6. Stephen King’s brilliant writing techniques in his novel, “The Shining” keep his readers on edge with suspense.

7. Several sources have lead people to the correct conclusion that the Titanic did indeed sink in the Atlantic Ocean.

8. Research has shown that The United States, as a whole, has a drug addiction.

9. The well-chosen cast of “Saving Private Ryan” helps to portray a truly heroic war story.

10. The constant mess and foul smells lead to the conclusion that rabbits are difficult household pets.

11. Besides being a citizen of the United States, a candidate for president must portray leadership qualities such as integrity, perseverance, and must be able to hold control of a situation.

12. Aside from physical beauty alone, women must perform different tasks to show their poise, grace, and personality in order to be considered on of the best in a beauty pageant.

13. School uniforms will make daily life easier for students who would normally worry about being ridiculed for a self-chosen outfit.

14. The influence of William Shakespeare on today’s authors can be portrayed to students through any of his brilliant writing.

15. Recent studies have shown that many people with stress or anxiety have turned to Aromatherapy for relief.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Audience, Purpose & Design

As of right now, most writing that I do is for my teachers, so the audience isn't very broad. There are rare occasions, however, where my writing has been directed towards college admissions boards, or potential employers. On these occasions, the audience to which my writing was directed played a very important role in the way I formatted my writing. Along with the audience to which my writing is directed comes the purpose of my writing. When my writing was directed towards college admissions boards, the purpose is to show what I have to offer that university and to persuade them into allowing me admission into that school. Similarly, when I am writing to a potential employer, I am displaying the qualities that I possess that would make me an asset to their work place or team. Design has played a somewhat significant role in my writing, as I change the design and style of my writing, depending on the audience to which my writing is directed, along with the purpose of my writing. As I get older and broaden my writing, especially the audience to which my writing is directed, I am sure the ideas of purpose and design will become more imporant.